I am not a Bible scholar. I am learning every day. This list can change at any point I feel I’ve learned something new, or I was wrong. I am human. If it’s posted here, it’s where I’m at today and we don’t have to agree on everything. We are all going to be on different paths, learning and growing in different areas at different times. That’s what makes each of our journeys with God unique, and no matter how messy, they are all beautiful when they lead us closer to the Lord.
I believe the Holy Bible is the source of truth and the KJV is the preserved Word of God. I believe the whole Bible from beginning to end, and that my obedience to the Word is not only required but brings the greatest joy possible in this earthly life.
I believe that Jesus is the Messiah and only through Him, we obtain salvation. We have no righteousness in us, and His imputed righteousness is the only way we are saved. I believe Jesus is God’s only begotten son and came to earth in the flesh. He was crucified as the sinless and perfect sacrifice, was buried, and rose again. He is now reigning at the right hand of the Father in the third heaven.
I believe in the Godhead. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ONE, and that ONE is masculine.
I believe God is no respecter of persons. He gives everyone the opportunity to be saved by Jesus Christ, experience redemption through Him, have fellowship with Him, and obtain eternal life.
I believe the Body of Christ encompasses all believers, both Jew and Gentile, grafted together as brethren and co-heirs with Christ.
I believe we are to follow all of God’s laws and commandments that pertain to us as the Body of Christ.
I believe in eating only clean animals as defined in Leviticus 11.
I believe life begins at the moment of conception and abortion is murder.
I believe most traditional holidays are an abomination to the Lord. He clearly states for His followers to do not the ways of the heathens, and many of our holidays are filled with heathen traditions. These holidays are New Year’s, Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and Halloween.
I believe many other things we take as common, have roots in heathen origins (yoga, for example.)
I believe we, the Israel of God (both Jew and Gentile grafted together), are commanded to keep the Biblical feasts, as outlined in Leviticus 23.
I believe in Biblical cosmology.
I believe with all my heart that we’ve been lied to and tricked for years, sometimes by very well-meaning pastors and teachers who truly love people.
I believe true worship of Jesus looks nothing like our casual Christian lives. I am not pointing a finger. I’ve been there and was rolling in it for YEARS. I’m humbled I’ve been led to learn what true worship looks like for myself and pull away from anything but the true Word of God.